Turbulent spring

21 March 2011

The spring came this year accompanied by news of massive natural disasters, severe nuclear accidents, social upheavals and wars. Some people link all these events and think it is the result of how badly we are treating this planet.

In Fragas do Mandeo we don’t go that far. But we agree in that we do not take care of our planet well enough, both in remote locations, and on our doorstep.

It is common to hear about the beauty of nature, that it is necessary to take care of it, to protect biodiversity or the need to instill love for nature in children.

But the truth is that few make the slightest effort. Very few contribute with their work or their donations.

We beg you to make your annual review: How many activities did you take part in in the last twelve months to improve the environment? How much did you donate to protect habitats and species?

Do not think only about the times you went hiking, or picnicking on the riverbanks, the mushrooms you collected in the autumn or the hours you spent watching birds… You may also think about the times you went to clean up garbage left by others, and the times when you removed invasive species, or injured wild animals that you took to a rehabilitation centre.

Fragas do Mandeo is a means to protect nature in the As Mariñas area. Please help us with donations and volunteering, with the free time you have and with the money you can do without.

But there are also many other organizations with experience and effectiveness with which you can help. For us the important thing is to protect nature, one way or another, in our country or in exotic places, on land or in the seas, with our organization or others. Just choose the one you like most.

Please choose to involve yourself in the conservation of our planet!

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