We participate in First Galician Conference for Stewardship

26 October 2011

Next weekend, in Santiago de Compostela, we are going to hold the First Galician Conference for Land Stewardship, in which Fragas do Mandeo will participate presenting the fund for the conservation of nature in the As Mariñas area.

Image of the poster announcing the I Galician Conference for Land StewardshipWith the slogan “situation and perspectives”, its aim is to share experiences and review the current situation of stewardship in Galicia, to make known the initiatives underway, their goals and obstacles to progress.

It will also be attended by several guests, representatives of the Fundación Biodiversidad, the Grup Balear d’ Ornithologia (GOB) and the Portuguese association Quercus.

After the conference and round tables on Saturday, we will complete the gathering with a visit to the Sea Marine Reserve Mar de Lira and the cooperative Raíña Lupa on Sunday.

The event is organized by Adega (Association for the Environmental Defence of Galicia), with the collaboration of the Galician Association of Land Stewardship and the financial support of the Provincial Council of A Coruña.

Location: Centro Social Novacaixagalicia, Cervantes Square, Santiago de Compostela
Dates: 29 – 30 October 2011

More information on the website of the organization or by downloading the program.

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