One decade ahead

1 January 2012

Logo of Decade of BiodiversityIn this second year of the Decade for Biodiversidad, Fragas do Mandeo faces the next twelve months hopefully.

We finished the year 2011 strongly. Both the number of donors and the total number of donations more than doubled. Our participation at several public events spread the word about us amongst the general public and strengthened our relations with institutions. We also moved forward from preliminary contacts to reach stewardship arrangements with several individual landowners and organisations.

In 2012 we will face up to the challenges posed by such stewardship agreements coming into force. Furthermore, we will work to significantly increase our means of support, because, although it has grown markedly, it continues to be insufficient to adequately protect our biodiversity.

In order to reach at local level the five objectives of the Strategic Plan for Biological Diversity 2011-2020 of the United Nations, with your support, we will continue making people aware of the value of biodiversity and advancing the stewardship of our woods and marshes, our coast and rivers. Only in this way can we safeguard the natural habitats which still survive in our region.

Thanks for your help. Happy New Year!

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