Change in supervising body

23 February 2012

Logo of the Galician Official GazetteThe Galician Official Gazette (DOGA) publishes today, February 23, the Order of February 15, 2012 modifying the supervising body for several charities of interest to Galicia and giving instructions for their registration under the regional autonomous ministries relevant to the exercise of the supervisory functions.

This order is due to the changes in the administrative structure of the autonomous government Xunta de Galicia. The Directorate General for the Conservation of Nature, previously belonging to the Consellería do Medio Rural (regional ministry for rural affairs), is now under the control of the Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestruturas (regional ministry for environment, land and infrastructure). Therefore, the foundations registered under the Consellería do Medio Rural whose activities are of an environmental or conservation nature, such as Fragas do Mandeo, are now under the authority of the autonomous ministry Consellería de Medio Ambiente, Territorio e Infraestructuras.

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