Presentation in Sada

20 June 2012

On June 28, at 8:00 p.m., we will be presenting a summary of the two first years of activity of Fragas do Mandeo in the town of Sada. It will be at the meeting room of the Municipal Youth Office (Pescadería Square, s/n; see map), kindly provided by the Municipal Council.

The conference will be preceded by the audio-visual presentation Noroeste (Northwest), a collection of superb photographs of aquatic birds by Álvaro Fernández Polo and Antonio Ramos Souto, members of Asociación Ornitolóxica Calidris.

With this lecture, we want to raise awareness among residents of this coastal town of land stewardship, its advantages for nature conservation and its use in other places. Obviously, we will also discuss the progress of Fragas do Mandeo in the application of this approach in As Mariñas, with the ultimate goal of preserving the region’s biodiversity, and will encourage attendees to support our project through donations or volunteering.

If you want to help us spread the word about the event, you can download the poster at PDF format (best for printing) or at JPEG format (best for e-mailing).

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