Presentation at Fillos de Ois on August 9th

17 July 2012

Logo of S.R.C.D. Fillos de OisResponding to the invitation of the Cultural, Recreational and Sports Association Fillos de Ois, Fragas do Mandeo will be presenting a summary of its two first years of operation at the association centre located in Santa María de Ois (Coirós, a Coruña), on August 9th at 9 p.m.

This association is celebrating thirty years of work to dynamize the social life of the parish, having organized a variety of activities.

As on previous occasions, the talk shall be accompanied by the audiovisual presentation Northwest, a selection of excellent photographs of marine and aquatic birds made by Álvaro Fernández Polo and Antonio Ramos Souto of the Calidris Ornithological Association.

If you want to help us spread the word about the event, you can download the poster at PDF format (more suitable for printing) or at JPEG format (best to be e-mailed).

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