Granting of use of a wood in a protected site

10 August 2012

Photograph of the event of granting of the use of a plot

Yesterday Fragas do Mandeo was granted use of a woodland plot located on the banks of the River Mandeo, close to a place named Flores (Coirós, A Coruña), thanks to the generosity of a resident of Ois.

Three hours before the conference at the centre of the Fillos de Ois Association, we went to the Notary’s Mr Oscar Lopez Doval in Betanzos to sign the grant. The owner, Mr Angel Gayoso, granted us the use of the land for 20 years so that Fragas do Mandeo can use it for the preservation of biodiversity and landscape.

This plot has a cadastral surface of 2715 m2 and is part of the protected natural site SCI Betanzos-Mandeo. Located on the steep slope of the valley, its vegetation varies with height. The top is populated by eucalyptus; a moor of heather grows on mid-slope and on the bottom, bordering the river, flourishes a dense riparian forest.

Once the legal procedures have been completed, we are going to proceed with the elimination of the eucalyptus trees and subsequent regeneration of the vegetation cover. Thus we will improve the landscape, increase the coverage of native forest and prevent fires. The eucalyptus trees, close to a highway and moving downhill by spontaneous colonization, present a high fire risk. Their replacement by native trees will hinder the spread of fires.

Fragas do Mandeo is grateful to Mr Angel Gayoso for his generosity, to his son Miguel for his work in the area for Fragas do Mandeo and to the Fillos de Ois Association for giving us the opportunity to present our work on such as a significant day for us.

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