Visit to schoolchildren in Sada

13 December 2012

Photograph of the visit to the schoolEarly today we visited the Sada y sus Contornos’ Elementary School. The students of this school are carrying out a Voz Natura project in order to get to know about local biodiversity and to promote its conservation by supporting the Fragas do Mandeo’s land stewardship initiative.

The kids were eager to meet Dona, our mascot. Unfortunately, they will have to wait to play with her until she accompanies them on some of the excursions to the natural areas of the region.

The meeting was also useful to talk about the album of collector’s cards that teachers are using as a teaching resource. Organized around five habitats present in As Mariñas, the students have to stick cards of native species that live in them, and also cards of invasive alien species that threaten them. And, sure enough, Dona will be presenting each habitat, accompanied by the ranger Carlos Serantes. To get the cards, children have to go to the library, where they will be given a card for each book they take away to read.

Fragas do Mandeo hopes that in this way the students enjoy themselves while they learn, getting involved with the natural environment through the knowledge of its flora and fauna and taking their own initiatives for its preservation.

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