Presentation in Ferrol

8 January 2013

This time the Natural History Museum of Ferrol will be the setting of the exhibition about the progress of Fragas do Mandeo in preserving biodiversity in As Mariñas by means of land stewardship. The meeting is on January 18, 8 p.m. at this centre created and managed by the Natural History Galician Society, located at Canido Square.

The Natural History Museum hosts unique pieces, including fossils of up to 15 million years old. Especially important is the section on marine species, among which there is a giant squid. The new facilities, recently opened to the public, have an exhibition area of 440 m2 that allow the public to enjoy this valuable collection. If you haven’t visited it yet, it is worth arriving early to see it before our talk.

If you are willing to spread the word about the event, you may download the poster at PDF format (print version) or at JPEG format (best format for e-mailing).

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