Spreading land stewardship

25 February 2013

Part of the raison d’etre of Fragas do Mandeo is the spreading and promotion of land stewardship in Galicia. We believe that if this formula is valid for the conservation of nature in the As Mariñas area, it can also be a useful tool in other areas.

During the two and a half years we’ve existed, we have been invited to participate in meetings and we have delivered many lectures explaining the origins of land stewardship and the nature of our work.

Today, we are delighted with the news that the seed sowed in Pontedeume and Fene (A Coruña) has taken root. The Stewardship Association of the Atlantic Forest Betula has just been formed. Its first 20 members are formalizing the entity’s incorporation, whose aim is to preserve the Atlantic forest that survives in the Valley of the River Eume.

We wish them a successful future.

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