Three plots more

21 May 2013

Photograph of the title deedToday we have another meeting at the offices of the Notary Mr. Óscar López Doval, on this occasion to acquire three land plots located, as in the previous cases, in Espenuca (Coirós). They amount to an extension of 5.961m2 located on the banks of the River Mandeo. The third plot is on the top of the hill, where we had already purchased three others. All of them are covered in native forest, with only a few eucalyptus trees to be removed.

As always, we would like to remember that these acquisitions were made possible by individuals who contributed the money needed, and to encourage you to take an active part in the preservation of our region’s nature by making a donation to Fragas do Mandeo, no matter how small or large. Please remember that land stewardship needs the support of all of us to achieve success. You can find additional information in section Join us! or else ask us directly (in section Contact you may find the information you need).

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