Next charity market on the 7th

1 July 2013

On July 7th we will set up our second charity market of the year in the Do Campo Square of Betanzos, were we will be from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. as usual.

The last one had the best results of all the previous charity markets. No doubt this was thanks to the great number and range of items offered at a bargain price, many of them of high quality, donated by our sympathizers throughout the winter. Thus, we partially made up for the cancellation of the Holy Week market due to bad weather.

Please contact us if you are thinking of getting rid of items that are likely to be sold at our market. Thus you will be helping to preserve our region’s forests and you will be applying the second point of the three “R” principle: reduce, reuse, recycle». In section Contact you can find the necessary information.

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