Students interested in land stewardship

30 January 2014

Following the trend of intense activity this January, today we have been explaining what land stewardship is and the activities of Fragas do Mandeo to the students of the Guísamo Agroforestry Training and Experimentation Centre (A Coruña).

Logo of the Guísamo Agroforestry Training and Experimentation CentreWe were invited by the Head of Studies, Marlene Anaya; the aim was to let the students know about this means for natural heritage conservation and to analyse the possibility of doing internships with us. The attention they paid makes us harbour hopes that these future players in the rural world will consider the possibility of making agrarian, forestry and cattle production compatible with biodiversity preservation.

Tomorrow the scenario will change: the appointment will be at the General Directorate of Nature Preservation, in Santiago de Compostela, where we will have a meeting with its Director, Verónica Tellado. We will be accompanied by members of the Agrupación Galega de Entidades de Custodia do Territorio (Galician land stewardship network) and a very special guest, Jordi Pietx, Head of the Xarxa de Custòdia del Territori (Catalonian land stewardship network).

Our goal is to explain to our government the importance of their support so that land stewardship in Galicia reaches the same level as in other autonomous communities in Spain.

And in the afternoon we will be attending the opening of the III Galician Land Stewardship Conference in Rábade (Lugo), an event that will continue throughout the whole day.

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