Charity market on August 3rd

23 July 2014

On Sunday, the 3rd of August, we will be holding our next charity market. It will be in the Do Campo Square of Betanzos, as always, and we will be there from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Perhaps we will also be there in the afternoon.

Last time our volunteers decided to stay on longer, taking care of the stall continually until 9 p.m.: Sales were going well and it was an opportunity to compensate for the two charity markets that had to be cancelled this year. If the public turnout justifies it, and volunteers feel encouraged to do it, we will extend the market timetable until sunset.

Let’s remember that all this effort is done for charity markets to remain being one of the main sources of revenue used by Fragas do Mandeo to buy land plots of environmental value. Please contact us if you would like to donate items for our charity markets. You will give them a new lease of life and you will help nature conservation in this area. In section Contact you will find the necessary information.

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