Charity market under the rain

7 September 2014

Photograph of the charity market under the rainToday we had to cancel the charity market in the face of force majeure.

Weather forecasts failed. We had been consulting them until the last minute, and there was no threat of rain during the morning, except for some brief drizzle. Therefore, our volunteers decided to set up the stall. Just when they were finishing, it did start to rain. But it wasn’t just drizzling and it didn´t stop in four hours: the storms scheduled for the afternoon had come early in the morning!

Fortunately, some plastic sheets and the borrowed canopy prevented all books and other items from being seriously damaged. All we had to show for our efforts were 5 euros profit, sodden cardboard packaging and soaked feet.

This year we only obtained a small amount of money with charity markets. Although they help us to pay running costs, to settle the Notary´s bills and something towards the purchase of plots of land, we cannot depend on them to move forward in the stewardship of our natural habitats, because we would advance at a snail´s pace. It is our supporters’ modest donations that keep this project progressing well.

Why not join them? Any donation would be welcome, no matter how small it may seem. In section Join us! you may find the necessary information for a payment, either one-off or regular.

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