Chestnut-roasting time

27 October 2014

Photograph of an open shellIn the photograph you can see a plain open shell, showing its small chestnuts. But for us it is much more than that. It is the fruit of a whole year of work.

First, we had to cut down the eucalyptus. Then we prepared the wood plot to be reforested, piling the foliage, cutting down gorses, lifting and staking the native trees that survived the felling and, finally, we dried the eucalyptus stumps so that they do not produce new shoots. When the spring came, we planted mycorrhized chestnut trees on the spots with no trees, hoping that in the future they produce enough shade to thwart underbrush proliferation, so helping prevent the spread of fires and producing food for wildlife. In summer we had to water them and go back over the stumps that had not dried yet.

One year later, many of the chestnut trees planted show small shells. But the important thing is that a eucalyptus wood of 7,702 m2disappeared; instead, a native forest is growing little by little.

The campaign one more chestnut tree, one less eucalyptus goes ahead. We have to go on purchasing woodland plots (we do need more donors!) and the work on the plots is not complete (we do need more volunteers!). Come and lend us a hand with whatever you can.

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