New acquisition by the River Mendo

8 October 2014

Photograph of the property titleToday we went to the offices of the Notaries Mr. Óscar López and Mr. Gonzalo Freire in Betanzos to sign the purchase deed of a woodland plot of 3,465 2. It is located by the banks of the River Mendo, in the Oza-Cesuras Municipality.

Until recently this plot had eucalyptus, but the owner had them cut down, so we took the opportunity to negotiate the purchase. Now they are sprouting, so we will have to schedule an environmental volunteering intervention to dry them. However, oaks, chestnut trees and birches damaged by the felling are sprouting too; moreover, there are alders and ash trees that survived along the 96 metres by the river border. Thanks to the efforts of volunteers and to the spontaneous recovery capacity of nature, in the future we will see on this plot a beautiful riverside wood to be preserved in perpetuity.

As in previous occasions, we would like to thank those who are supporting us and allowed the purchase of this plot with their donations. Should you like to join them, you can consult section Join us! or else you can ask us directly (in section Contact you will find the necessary information.

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