Two new oak woods

15 October 2014

Photograph of the property deedToday we went to the offices of the Notaries Mr. Óscar López and Mr. Gonzalo Freire in Betanzos to sign the purchase deed of two oak woods that amount to an extension of 5,239 m2, located on the banks of the River Mandeo, one near Chelo and the other in Ois (Coirós).

Both woodland plots border the river and therefore they form part of the protected natural heritage site SAC Betanzos-Mandeo. They are well preserved and, although oak is dominant, there are also other tree species, having a great value as riparian forest and as a refuge for many endangered species. With this acquisition, the conservation of a suitable habitat for those plants and animals is guaranteed in perpetuity.

Once again, we are grateful to the people who are supporting us, allowing the purchase of these oak woods with their modest donations.

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