Charity market at the Terras do Mandeo Trail

29 May 2015

Although the charity markets are usually held in Betanzos on the first Sunday of every month, the next one will be on Saturday, June 6th and it will be set up in the Cantón of the city’s main square. What is the reason for these changes?

The third running of the Terras do Mandeo Trail will take place on that day, having the start and finishing line at the Cantón (in the Do Campo square, behind the bandstand).

As previously reported, thanks to the collaboration of Bioetanol Galicia, the organizer of the race (Campo IV Consulting, Betanzos Council and ACEBE CCA) who will donate 50% of the race fees to Fragas do Mandeo, so that it is used for land stewardship in riparian woods and to acquire land plots of environmental value, thus preserving their biodiversity forever.

Our charity markets are an important funding source which allows us to continue in the defense of the local natural areas. But on this occasion, it will also allow us to spread the word about the work of Fragas do Mandeo among the participants and the large audience we expect to the event. It will be a great opportunity to explain how land stewardship is an effective tool to preserve our natural areas.

Do join us to applaud these athletes committed to the conservation of the River Mandeo.

And if you want to give a second life to those items you don’t need any more and you don’t feel like throwing them away (books, gifts, toys, costume jewelry, etc.), in section Contact you can find the necessary information to let us know.

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