Volunteering days on June 21th and 28th

12 June 2015

Fragas do Mandeo has an appointment with environmental volunteering on June 21th and 28th. The aim is to reforest with native trees a woodland plot planted with eucalyptus when we acquired it.

Photograph of the Os Vellos woodLast year we reforested the upper part of this plot located in Os Vellos (Coirós). Full of eucalyptus before, now oaks, chestnut trees, birches, willows and laurels thrive there, which over time will form an authentic native forest.

This year is the turn of the plot lower part. Until several weeks ago, a wall of eucalyptus hindered the view of the River Mandeo canyon. After the felling, now we can enjoy the landscape.

The two-days of volunteering work will be devoted to pile all the branches left over after the felling. Thus, we will get the plot ready for reforestation at the appropriate time and we will reduce the risk of transmitting wild fires, as well as providing a refuge for invertebrates, salamanders, lizards and other small animals.

The meeting point will be the outpatient clinic in Betanzos at 9.30 a.m. and it is scheduled to finish at 2 p.m. No tools are needed, but it is advisable to wear leather gloves, clothes and footwear suitable to work in woods, and of course some snacks and drinks for midday break.

If you contact us in advance, we will let you know in case of late changes and we will provide you with an accident insurance policy financed by the Association for Rural Development Mariñas-Betanzos. Please send us an e-mail with your data (name, ID number, date of birth and phone number) before the Friday previous to the volunteering day. In section Contact you can find the necessary information.

Get ready and transform this eucalyptus grove in a native forest!

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