Join us and plant oaks in A Espenuca

18 August 2015

Last Tuesday we started the second phase of the ecological restoration of one of the land plots in which we do land stewardship in A Espenuca, helped by a group of volunteers from the Volunteering Directorate-General.

Photograph of one of the volunteersThe work done in the first phase consisted of shredding the branches left over by the felling, cutting the shoots and damaging the stumps to make them wither. In this second phase, the volunteers removed branches from the inner paths, opened a trail in the area where a small oak wood survives, set up an information board and hammered in the stakes.

Next Saturday we will get together again to finish off hammering in the stakes and to plant the oaks. If you want to join in, please register before Friday by sending us an e-mail with your data (complete name, ID, date of birth and mobile telephone) and you will be covered by an accident insurance policy payed by the Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Mariñas-Betanzos (Association for Rural Development Mariñas-Betanzos). In section Contact you can find the necessary information.

If you help us next Saturday, you will one day proudly say: “these oaks were planted by me”.

Meeting point: Outpatient clinic in Betanzos.
Date: August 22nd, 2015.
Time: We will be leaving at 9.30 a.m., coming back at 2 p.m.

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