Last day of the year fighting the montbretia

22 October 2015

Photograph of the volunteersLast Sunday six volunteers spent the morning uprooting montbretia in Chelo. Although they removed 37 kg of tubers, there is still a small area that has not been cleared yet. So we are calling the volunteers again for next Sunday, October 25th.

Since we expect to finish soon, we are going to spend the rest of the time picking up acorns and chestnuts. They will be seeded to reinforce the oak plantation done in the A Espenuca plot that we are rehabilitating.

We will meet in front of the Outpatient Clinic in Betanzos at 9.30 a.m. to share cars and to start work in the leisure area of Chelo at 10 a.m. We will finish in time to get home at lunchtime. No tools needed, but please remember to take a bucket.

To register, please send us your name and mobile phone number (in section Contact you can find the necessary information), telling us if you are coming with us or you are getting there directly.

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