Donation of a wood plot in Chelo

16 November 2016

This afternoon we signed the donation deed of a wood plot of 3,050 m2 bordering the River Mandeo. Ms. Maruxa López and her son Mr. Luisco Monteiro kindly ceded it to Fragas do Mandeo with the aim of preserving its natural values in perpetuity.

Photograph of the donorThis plot is near the spot of Chelo (Coirós), in a very accessible place. Located on a steep slope, the bottom forms part of the protected natural heritage site SAC Betanzos-Mandeo, and holds a riparian wood that is considered priority habitat. On the rest, the deciduous trees make up a slope wood frequented by local fauna, as evidenced by the numerous trails crossing it.

Fragas do Mandeo is deeply grateful to Ms. Maruxa and Mr. Luisco for this donation. Besides the intrinsic environmental value of this wood, this is the second donation we receive since our incorporation. We hope their gesture becomes an example and encourages other people to cede us plots that have a minor yield as logging exploitations.

Photograph of the wood plotDonating to Fragas do Mandeo has two advantages. First and most important, the satisfaction of actively engaging in the conservation of our region’s nature, with guaranteed perpetuity. Second, the tax benefits: a deduction up to 30% of the donated value in the income tax of individuals (in case of companies, 35% of the corporate income tax).

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