Land stewardship before the Public Administration

18 November 2016

Invited by the AGCT (Land Stewardship Galician Association) and the Diputación de Lugo (Provincial Council of Lugo), we have taken part in the conference Land Stewardship and Public Administrations that took place at the Terras do Miño Interpretation Centre (Lugo) today.

During our intervention we have had the opportunity to present the project of Do Catorce amphibian reserve. The organizers were very interested in our explanations to a public mainly composed by Administration technical officers, about what the land stewardship agreement we signed with the Coirós Municipality is, how it binds both entities, and the potential of the direct implication of entities like ours in the use and management of natural areas.

The aim of the organizers was to bring knowledge about land stewardship practice to technical officers, civil servants and politicians who manage land belonging to public administrations and areas within fluvial and maritime-terrestrial public domains. Accordingly, they prepared an extensive program, which has had the intervention of Antonio Ruíz (FRECT), Marc Ordeix (Museu del Ter), Martiño Cabana (AGCT) and Ramsés Pérez (ADEGA). We hope that this outreach work eases the collaboration of the different Administrations with land stewardship entities.

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