Well rewarded donations

30 January 2016

Logo of the Agencia Tributaria (Spanish Tax Agency)During January we have had to do an important job: to inform the Tax Agency on the donations received the previous year. We have already fulfilled this duty, so that the deductions our donors are entitled to will automatically appear on their draft tax returns of this year: they can get back up to 50% of the donated amount.

From this year on, deductions will be even higher. For example, if you have donated 100 Euro, you will recover 75 Euro in your following year tax return declaration. In other words, with 25 Euro you will achieve a woodland protection worth 100 Euro.

All these benefits are gathered in the Taxation for Non-Profit Organizations and Sponsorship Taxation Incentives Act (49/2002). Articles 19 and 20 and the Transitional Provision Four, state the limits, tax brackets, fidelity benefits, fiscal deductions for companies, etc.
There you will see that donations up to 150 Euro deduct 75% of this amount. Higher amounts benefit also from that percentage up to 150 Euro, but they deduct 30% for the rest over and above that amount. If you have maintained the same or higher donations during the two previous years, the deduction for this second bracket will be 35%. There are no fiscal brackets for companies, income tax deduction is still 35%, but the fidelity deduction reaches 40%.
In any case, please remember that to be entitled to those benefits you have to provide your data. Should you have any question, do not hesitate to ask us (in section Contact you can find the necessary information).

New day of eucalyptus elimination on the 24th

20 January 2016

Poster of the campaign “one more chestnut tree, one less eucalyptus”Weather forecast for next Sunday is sunny with a pleasant temperature. So, we are going to take this opportunity to get to the plot in Os Vellos (Coirós) and dry out the new shoots of eucalyptus. There are few left, so we expect to complete the work and leave the plot ready to be reforested with native trees.

The meeting point will be at the Outpatient Clinic in Betanzos, where we can share cars. There may not be tools for everybody, so please try to bring an axe. It is advisable to wear leather gloves, footwear and clothes suitable to work in the woods, and do not forget a snack and drink for the morning break.

If you are one of those people who prefer having more native woods and less eucalyptus groves in our area, you have the opportunity to show it by joining this environmental volunteering day. You just have to send us your data in advance (complete name, ID, date of birth and cell phone). Thus, we can inform you if there are any last minute changes and you will make the organizing easier. In section Contact you can find the necessary information.

Meeting point: Outpatient Clinic of Betanzos.
Date: January 24th, 2016.
Time: We will be leaving at 9.30 a.m., coming back at 2 p.m.

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