The Scouts help us in Chelo

1 April 2017

Six young members of the Chan Scout group came over to Chelo this morning, accompanied by two instructors. Three volunteers of Fragas do Mandeo met them there to get to the woodland plot in which we have been doing land stewardship for four months now, thanks to a donation.

Photograph of the ScoutsA deciduous wood, still young, is growing on this plot. The aim of the volunteering day was to eliminate all the low eucalyptus trees that are growing in the middle of native trees, so that the young trees do not have to compete with them and the ecosystem recovers totally.

The work has not been easy. The plot is steep and besides it was the first time the Scouts have done this task. But they were happy with the experience, and we are really grateful because they came from Santiago de Compostela to lend us a hand with the conservation of the native woods by the River Mandeo.

Since we have not finished off all the eucalyptus from the plot, and we have to complete some tasks in other wood plots, we are going to set new volunteering days. If you would like to participate, please contact us (you will find the necessary information in section Contact).

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