2017 International work camp

10 May 2017

The enrolment period to register for the international work camp that will take place this summer at Chelo ―at the foot of the A Espenuca hill― is already open.

Photograph of a volunteerBetween August 1st and 12th, fifteen volunteers are going to collaborate with us in the elimination of invasive exotic species in the surroundings of the River Mandeo. As a result of a three years ’ work, we have almost eliminated the invasive plants on both banks of the river along the stretch between the Chelo footbridge and the Teixeiro Bridge. Unfortunately, there are several fonts of montbretia (Crocosmia x crocosmiiflora) and of small-leaf spiderwort (Tradescantia fluminensis) along the As Bouzas spring, which flows into the River Mandeo by the Chelo footbridge. Propagule can be swept along by the river floods and they can take root on any spot of the riverbanks where they had been eliminated. For this reason the volunteers’ cooperation with this second international work camp is so important.

The work will consist mainly of patiently uprooting the montbretia tubers, trying not to leave any. As for the small-leaf spiderwort, uprooting its fragile stems without leaving any piece behind is enough, since any piece can easily take root. But it’s not all about working, the programme includes cultural and touristic activities which will allow the volunteers to get to know our area. It is aimed at people from 18 to 30 years old, with some vacancies for people coming from abroad and from other Spanish autonomous regions.

Work camps are informal educational tools that cover both participation and volunteering experiences. They promote the involvement of young people in society, allow exchanges between territories and seek to promote the values of coexistence, tolerance and teamwork.

This work camp is promoted by Fragas do Mandeo, applied for by the Coirós Council and organized by the Directorate General for Youth, Participation and Volunteering of the Xunta de Galicia. The management will be assumed by Ribeirán Proxectos Naturais, counting on Jesús Díaz as Director.

For additional information and registration, please consult the card of the Monte de A Espenuca 2017 work camp .

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