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12 October 2017

The sixth edition of Land Stewardship Week was a complete success, but now it’s over and nature still needs our efforts.

Photograph of the removed litterTaking advantage of today’s public holiday, one of our volunteers got to the River Mandeo to check if new exotic invasive species had reappeared on the stretch between the footbridge of Chelo and the Teixeiro Bridge, and at the same time, to remove the litter that is all too frequently thrown away on this beaten track.

He located a few plants of montbretia and of small-leaf spiderwort, but looking for litter he was able to find it abundantly hidden on the wood near the path: 71 glass bottles, two tyres, one car battery and diverse types of rubbish which filled a 100-litre sack.

We all can do something for nature. If you would like to be informed on the next environmental volunteering days, please contact us. In section Contact you will find detailed information.

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