Analysing litter in Cecebre

16 December 2017

Photograph of the volunteersThis morning we got to the protected natural heritage site SAC Encoro de Abegondo-Cecebre, as we were invited to participate in an environmental volunteering organized by the Grupo Naturalista Hábitat (Hábitat Naturalist Group).

The selected location was the reservoir headwaters formed by the River Barcés, in the vicinity of As Táboas. Twelve volunteers quickly removed all the litter on the selected area. However, the slow and boring task was to classify it.

The aim was not to collect a great volume, but to characterize in detail the composition, origin and size of the litter, in order to provide this information to the Libera project which is being carried out by SEO/Birdlife and Ecoembes. These two organizations want to know in depth the littering phenomenon, the general dirtying due to the presence of litter everywhere, since it is severely affecting the environment.

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