Fragas do Mandeo is born

6 July 2010

Today the public deed of association of Fragas do Mandeo was signed, being recorded by Notary Public Mr. Luis Muíño. The new entity is a non-profit and non-governmental organization (NGO) with a charitable charter, for the accomplishment of countryside stewardship activities aimed at nature conservation in the area of As Mariñas in the province of A Coruna (Galice, Spain).

Picture of the board of trustees of Fragas do Mandeo signing the deed of association in the presence of Notary Public Mr. Luis Muíño

Thus, the procedures for the incorporation and public register as an entity of interest to Galicia through the Xunta de Galicia are initiated.

The initial resources are two pieces of land valued at 27,595 Euros and a cash total of 3,000 Euros.

If you wish to know more details, please download the document Estatutos de Fragas do Mandeo or consult section Mission, where you can find information about our objectives and the possibilities offered by land stewardship for nature conservation.

Picture of Carlos Silvar, Notary Public Mr. Luis Muíño, Fernando Bandín and Antón Vázquez after signing the deed of association of Fragas do Mandeo

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