Today November 8th, the Diario Oficial de Galicia (Official Gazette of Galicia), has published Orde do 27 de outubro de 2010 pola que se clasifica de interese para a defensa do medio natural de Galicia a Fundación Fragas do Mandeo.
According to this dictate signed by the regional Minister of the Presidency of Galicia, “the conditions stated by current regulations related to foundations of interest for Galicia are fulfilled” and therefore, we proceed to “classify the Charity Fragas do Mandeo as an entity of interest for the natural environment of Galicia, and to place it under the supervision of the Consellería do Medio Rural (regional Ministry of the Rural Environment)”.
Besides the importance of official acknowledgment, this classification as an entity of interest for the natural environment of Galicia is one more step towards being recognized as an entity of interest for Galicia.
This status would provide an incentive for donating to Fragas do Mandeo, since in Spain there is a deduction in the income tax return of 25% of the amounts donated by private donors, and up to 35% for companies. For detailed information, please consult the link Ley 49/2002 de régimen fiscal de las entidades sin fines lucrativos y de los incentivos fiscales al mecenazgo or your tax accountant.
With this the proceedings for the incorporation of Fragas do Mandeo are in their final stage. Now the time has come to focus on spreading the word about Fragas do Mandeo and land stewardship as a way to preserve biodiversity in the As Mariñas area.