Round table on land stewardship

24 November 2010

On November 26, at 8:30pm, at the headquarters of Grupo Naturalista Hábitat (Camariñas Street 8, A Coruña)

Within the series of talks and conferences organized by Grupo Naturalista Hábitat under the title of Encontros naturalistas (Natural History meetings), Fragas do Mandeo was invited to take part in a round table debate about land stewardship.

We will be accompanied by Oscar Rivas, from Numenius Association, Martiño Cabana and Roberto Hermida, from Asociación Galega de Custodia do Territorio (AGCT).

Apart from allowing us to present our initiative, each participant will have the opportunity to offer his viewpoint on the current situation of land stewardship in Galicia. AGCT is going to comment on its projects and analyze the possibilities for stewardship offered by Bantegal. The debate will then be opened to the audience.

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