Two woodland plots on the banks of the River Mandeo have added to the properties of Fragas do Mandeo, with the signing of the sale and purchase deeds at the offices of the Notary Mr. Óscar López Doval in Betanzos. Thus, the area in which we do land stewardship for landscape and biodiversity preservation in the As Mariñas locality has been increased by 2,892 m2.
These plots are part of the protected natural heritage SCI Betanzos-Mandeo and show the same environmental characteristics as the piece of land granted by Mr Ángel Gayoso, so the scheduled actions for environmental improvement will be extended to these plots (please see news article of last August 10th).
The amount assigned to this acquisition was provided by several people who have supported Fragas do Mandeo from its foundation, and to whom we express our appreciation. Come and join them in taking an active part in the preservation of our region’s nature by making a donation to Fragas do Mandeo, no matter how small it is. You can find additional information in section Join us! or else ask us directly (in section Contact where you may find the information you need).