Satisfaction with the Stewardship Week

3 October 2012


Photograph of Fernando CoboPhotograph of Francesc Giró

After weeks of preparation and four days of intense activity, completion of the Land Stewardship Week in the Mariñas of A Coruña and Lands of the River Mandeo meant the satisfaction with the achieved objectives and a break for the people who participated in the organization.

In the opening day, Fernando Cobo, Director of the Hydro Biological Station Encoro do Con, spoke of the ecological impact suffered by the River Mandeo and the conservation needs if we are to preserve its rich biodiversity. In this way the public knew the specific areas in which any action is required.

The II Galician Conference on Land Stewardship, central event which was held last Friday, was attended by major organizations of land stewardship of our country, represented by David Rodríguez (Vice-president of the Asociación Cultural-Ecolóxica Ridimoas), Óscar Rivas and Martiño Cabana (Secretary and Member of the Asociación Galega de Custodia do Territorio) and Ramsés Pérez (environment coordinator of ADEGA). As special guest participated Francesc Giró (Fundación Acciónatura).

Photograph of Rafael CrecentePhotograph of Rafael Eimil

Representatives of the Administration, University and corporations took also part in the the three tables: Roxelio Fernández (Sub-director of Nature Conservation of the Xunta de Galicia), Rafael Crecente (professor of the University of Santiago), María Sande (External Relations Manager of BEGANO S.A.), Teresa Porto (Marketing Director of Novacaixagalicia), Antonio Cortés (Marketing General Manager of GADISA), Roberto Arias (Planning and Project Deputy Director of Augas de Galicia), Rafael Eimil (Manager of the of Coasts and Marine Environment section in the website of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Environment" target="blank">Galician Coast Demarcation) and Emilio Vázquez (Delegate of the Ministry of Finance in Galicia).

At the roundtable debates they could analyse the different possibilities of land stewardship for the conservation of the Galicia natural environment, patronage and corporate volunteer participation, as well as the opportunities to sign agreements that allow guarding areas that are part of a public domain or are state-owned plots. In short, doors opened and bridges tended so that stewardship achieves a more active role in our country.

Photograph of the visit to RidimoasPhotograph of a bird watching moment

During the visit to Ridimoas we enjoyed the privilege of being guided by Pablo Rodríguez, founder and President of the association who guards this forest. We learned precise details of the ecosystem and handling techniques, also receiving explanations regarding the establishment and management of stewardship agreements. His affability and the depth of his knowledge made the visit unforgettable.

As a closing for the event, on Sunday we visited the Souto’s observatory (Paderne). The sunny day together with a low tide facilitated the observation of numerous aquatic birds that fed quietly in the swamp.

Fragas do Mandeo is thankful to Rural Development Association Mariñas-Betanzos for their help with the organization and funding, to Agrarian Investigation Center of Mabegondo for the welcome to the II Galician Congress of Stewardship, and to the Betanzos’ Council for lending us the conference room. And, of course! To all the guests who took part in the scheduled activities.

Presence in the media: Interview broadcasted on the local radio stations (listen ) and publishing of the news in the newspapers Betanzos e a súa comarca, El Ideal Gallego and La Opinión – Coruña.

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