Positive balance at year-end

31 December 2013

At this time of year, when in the River Mandeo woods the trees have lost their leaves and in the middle of the cold winter the hazel and alder trees begin to blossom their discreet flowers, we can’t help looking back and taking stock of this year’s achievements.

This past year 2013 was very intense, as you can see in our blog posts. We would like to highlight the collaboration of the students from the Sada y sus Contornos Elementary School, as well as the volunteers during the II Week of Land Stewardship. But the most important was to be able to boost the land stewardship agreements: we reached a land stewardship extension of 64,535 m2, from which 59,142 m2 are in ownership and the rest ceded by the land owners.

For this reason we would like to finish this year expressing thanks to all the donors, volunteers and collaborators for your support. We count on you to continue saving the woods of the River Mandeo and preserving biodiversity in the As Mariñas area. And, since we do not stop working at this time, we will have good news very soon.

We wish you a Happy New Year’s Eve and a fulfilling new year.

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