Galician Network of Land Stewardship

22 October 2014

Next Saturday we have a meeting in Rábade. Invited by the Galician Association of Land Stewardship, the Galician entities are going to meet in order to create a regional network.

For several years we have been coordinated by the Galician Grouping of Land Stewardship Entities, who represented us at the National Land Stewardship Forum. But it was time to formalize this grouping by means of an entity to represent us before the government agencies and to promote regulations that boost stewardship in Galicia.

There will be several talks throughout the morning, being invited Fragas do Mandeo to explain their work in these four years of activity. In the afternoon, we will have a working session to finish the drafting of statutes and formalize the network.

You can get additional information by downloading the program.

Place: Centro de Conservación y Estudio de la Naturaleza Casa das Insuas, 27 José Pardo street, Rábade (Lugo)
Date: 25 October 2014

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