Our reserves at the Casa del Agua

30 January 2020

To commemorate the World Wetlands Day on February 2nd, the Technical seminar on environmental recovery of wetlands was held at the Casa del Agua of A Coruña, within the conference of specialists and part of the Life Fluvial project.

Logo of Life FluvialOur intervention focused on the O Catorce and Ollo da Roda reserves, explaining the context in which they were created, the difficulties we encountered, the environmental characteristics of these two wetlands and the actions taken to improve the habitats and to receive visitors.

Although Life Fluvial is not complemented by our work and we are not benefiting from this project in any way, our participation in this seminar has been a great opportunity to explain to the participant experts the objectives of our organization: preserving the natural heritage of our area by means of direct, efficient and long-lasting actions, as demonstrated with the creation and maintenance of these two reserves.

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