Sixth volunteering day at the A Abeleira beach

1 March 2020

This morning we were again at the A Abeleira beach (Paderne) with members of the Lewo Proyect of the Xunta de Galicia. They came to continue helping on our campaign of invasive plants elimination at the mouth of the River Lambre, within the natural heritage site SAC Betanzos-Mandeo.

During this sixth day, the seven girls and four boys, accompanied by two instructors of Ribeirán, focused on the elimination of small-leaf spiderwort.

The weather forecast was quite bad, but the morning passed with no rain. This time, the work difficulty was due to nettles, added to the plentiful bramble that got in the way.

Even so, the volunteers succeeded in breaking a record in the quantity of small-leaf spiderwort eliminated, as the withdrawn biomass weighted 503 kg. They also cleared the litter they found ―including a TV set― reaching a total of 83 kg of waste.

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