Round table at Terractiva

7 December 2011

On December 17 and 18 the 8th edition of the Terractiva Organic Fair is going to take place in Arzúa.

On the Sunday afternoon, a round table on land custody in Galicia is scheduled; Fragas do Mandeo will take part together with four other groups (Ridimoas, AGCT, Adega and Ulla-Deza).

Photograph of the previous edition of the Terractiva Organic FairTerractiva is the largest Galician fair for organic products and produce of the land, crafts, alternative therapies, traditional instruments and environmental organizations. In addition to the exhibitors, the event will feature activities for people of all ages. Children will have a play area, together with puppetry performances and children’s theatre. Adults may participate in different workshops, or attend music, theatre, storytelling, magic and circus shows.

Location: Arzúa’s fair exhibition site.
Date: December 18, 17.00 h.

More information in the website of the organization or by downloading the program.

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