Do your bit!

It’s your choice

Apart from financial contributions and donations, there are other ways to participate.


There are many ways to help us. If you have some free time and you are a nature lover, please contact us. Your personal skills or professional knowledge may be of great help: if you are good at drawing you can design a poster, if you are an agronomist you can give us advice on assessing land and its economic value, if you can take good photographs we can use them to illustrate our website.

Help us to buy land

Choose the most suitable way to participate according to your knowledge and the time you have available

Finding suitable land on the banks of the Mandeo, from Betanzos to Aranga or Curtis, is not straightforward. If you happen to know a landowner who is willing to sell cheaply, please inform us. It does not matter if the land is steep, remote or has difficult access. If we are able to pay for it, we’ll be interested.

Spread the word

If you have any connection with public places (for instance, libraries or shops), please help us make our activities known. You may take some leaflets and have them available in an easily visible place. If somebody shows interest, you could explain to them what we do. If you happen to know people interested in environmental issues, tell them about us.

Involve other groups

If you are a member of an association or sports club, you could suggest that the group affiliate with us or participate in our work in some way. If the company where you work has an ethos of corporate social responsibility, raise the possibility of investing in land stewardship.

Share environmental information

If you have information on any habitat or species in the As Mariñas area and you are willing to share it on our website, or if you want to supply specific information that allows us to improve our work, such us providing records about sightings or specific bibliography, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Spread the word about us on the Internet

If you have a website, blog or are on a social-networking site, there is a simple way to support us. You may just choose one of the advertisements we show in section Show a banner and you copy it onto your blog, webpage or social-networking site. Thus your followers will also know about our initiative.

Visit our website

Keep yourself informed of our activities, volunteering needs, land acquisitions underway, annual balance sheet, etc. Should you have any difficulty in finding the information you’re looking for, you can consult section Contact and simply choose the means of communication that suits you best.

First published: 6-10-2010
Last update: 11-6-2012
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