Successful 4th charity market

8 April 2012

Photograph of the IV charity market of Fragas do MandeoToday we held the first charity market of this year, which is the fourth ever. As always, we met at the Do Campo Square in Betanzos early in the morning to put on sale a great variety of items (books, clothing accessories, gifts, household articles, toys, etc.), all of them donated by our supporters.

It was a great success; we had our best sales ever. It certainly helped that, after several days of drizzle, the sun came out, encouraging people to go out onto the streets. Thanks also to the dedication of the eleven Fragas do Mandeo volunteers, nine in charge of the stall and two more helping with transport, loading and unloading, who were working until three in the afternoon.

We thank Betanzos Council for letting us hold the market and for lending us the stall tables. The proceeds will go towards the acquisition of scenic and environmentally interesting land in the area.

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