Land stewardship and urban-rural cooperation

16 September 2012

Next September 20th the conference Urban-Rural Cooperation: opportunities and challenges is going to be held in Arteixo’s Technology Center, organized by the Association of Rural Development Mariñas-Betanzos, as part of the events being held in the run-up to the Congress for Rural Development scheduled in November.

Fragas do Mandeo will take part in the round table Challenges of urban-rural cooperation in the vicinity of A Coruña . The multifunctional character of our native and riparian forests offers a great opportunity for the urban world to enjoy the ecologic and leisure services offered by natural sites located in rural areas. The challenge for the urban world is to get involved by directly supporting the preservation of these sites through the land stewardship activities launched by rural society.

You can find additional information on the website of the organization or downloading the agenda.

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