In the media again

13 January 2014

Logo of the A Coruña edition of “La Opinión” newspaperToday, we appeared in the media again. The A Coruña edition of La Opinión newspaper published a piece of news on the occasion of our latest acquisition, an oak wood located in Chelo (Coirós). Its 55 metre long side borders the River Mandeo and is part of the protected natural heritage site SCI Betanzos-Mandeo. The article includes a photograph of the land plot in Espenuca which we had freed from eucalyptus, and also of a notice in which our work is explained.

Logo of Radio Nacional de EspañaRadio Nacional de España (Spanish National Radio) included the news too, recording an interview that was broadcast by RN1 and RN5 at 1:24 pm. We were able to explain our land stewardship work on the banks of the River Mandeo.

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