Acquisition of a meadow

28 August 2014

Today we signed the purchase deed of a land plot of 4,460 m2 at the offices of the Notary Mr. Óscar López Doval in Betanzos. It was worth the purchase, since we can now protect 200 m of river bank in the Oza-Cesuras Municipality.

Unlike previous acquisitions, in this case it is a meadow bordered by riparian forest made up of alders, ash trees and willows. The combination of grove and meadow on the river bank creates a heterogeneity of habitats which gives great environmental value.

We are grateful to those people who are supporting Fragas do Mandeo and who contributed the funds needed, thus allowing us to further nature conservation of the area. Wouldn´t you like to join them with a small donation? You can find additional information in section Join us or else you can consult us directly (in section Contact you can find the necessary information).

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