Second shift at the wood plot

29 June 2015

Yesterday was a nice day to work. After some drizzle at dawn, the morning stood cloudy and mild. We got together 17 volunteers, many of them had already volunteered for the first shift of environmental volunteering.

Although the steep slope made the work difficult, we managed to remove the foliage from the whole area as expected. At the end of the morning we were tired, but satisfied, because from now on we can enjoy a landscape that had been hidden by the eucalyptus grove, and at the same time a varied deciduous wood composed of oaks, chestnut trees, birches, laurels, alder buckthorn and Iberian pears, among other native trees, is growing.

As in the previous day, the Asociación de Desarrollo Rural Mariñas-Betanzos (Association for Rural Development Mariñas-Betanzos) payed for accident insurance policies and the company Gadisa provided the catering which was really appreciated.

We haven’t programmed the next volunteering days yet. If you want to be informed about them, please send us an e-mail (in section Contact you can find our address).

Photograph of the volunteers

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