Two meetings, two collaborations

12 February 2016

Logo of the Galician Network of Land Stewardship EntitiesThe meeting of the Galician Network of Land Stewardship Entities was held last Saturday the 6th, where Fragas do Mandeo intervened as one of its founding members. The objective of the Network is to be a platform for interchanging experiences and represent the Galician entities for land stewardship before the public administration; therefore Fragas do Mandeo could not miss that meeting.

Logo of the Glamurs projectInvited by the Person-Environment Investigation Group of the University of A Coruña, Fragas do Mandeo will participate in a workshop that will take place this weekend in the Pazo de Mariñán.

This group of A Coruña, which coordinates other 10 universities and European research institutes, is developing the Glamurs project in order to analyze the diverse factors affecting the sustainable lifestyles and the necessary transformations to achieve a green economy. This study aims to deliver some recommendations on governance strategies for a rapid social transition to sustainability. Our work caught their attention and they would like to count on our vision on biodiversity conservation.

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