Do Catorce Nature Reserve in the media

28 July 2016

Several media covered the news on the creation of the Del Catorce amphibian reserve. In fact, just the same day of the signature of the land stewardship agreement, Radio Galega broadcasted the news.

Logos of communication mediaThat same week La Opinión – Coruña newspaper published the news on Friday and the on Sunday one article on our work in A Espenuca hill.

Also, we were interviewed by COPE Coruña radio station. The following Monday a V Television team got to the reserve to interview us, being able to record images of the amphibia, even though they were hidden in the most dense marsh vegetation to escape the heat of these days. The news report was telecasted the following day on the evening news.

On Tuesday afternoon we had to go again to the reserve with a TVG team to record another interview and record images of the site, which was telecasted today on the evening local news. On Wednesday we were also contacted by RNE, who broadcasted the interview on Thursday, both on Radio 1 and on Radio 5.

Electronic media picked up the story too: Xornal de Betanzos, Galicia Confidencial, Diario Marítimo and El Noticiero de Arteixo.

We hope that thanks to this presence in the media we were able to transmit the importance of protecting small areas which are key to preserving diversity, even when they do not have a remarkable landscape or touristic values, so that this initiative is followed in other localities.

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