The University of A Coruña does a research at the Mandeo

23 October 2018

Today we had the first work meeting with Dr José Antonio Cortés Vázquez, from the Department of Sociology and Communication Sciences of the University of A Coruña, because of a study that is going to be carried out at the protected natural area SAC Betanzos-Mandeo.

Logo of the University of A CoruñaThe Investigation Group on Evolutionary Biology of this university has just started the research project titled Development of predictive models on functional connectivity of threatened populations in areas of special conservation of the Natura 2000 Network, having the economic support of the Biodiversity Foundation.

The aim of this study is to create a methodological tool for evaluating the landscape elements which determine the exchange of individuals from different populations of special interest species present in the protected heritage sites, and so to be able to predict the consequences of alterations which lead to greater isolation. It also includes the design of corrective measures and the analysis of social determinants for its implementation.

On this occasion the species object of this study are golden-striped salamander (Chioglossa lusitanica) and the Iberian rock lizard (Iberolacerta monticola), since they are confined to certain locations because they have a life cycle which requires habitats with strictly specific characteristics. Its future is clearly conditioned by the alterations of its habitat, being climate change a risk factor. But it is not enough having a tool, knowing how to use it and where to work: somebody to use it is also needed.

Fragas do Mandeo, as a land stewardship entity working at the SAC Betanzos-Mandeo, was chosen as the object of this study for the sociological research part. We hope that the study results allow the various actors operating on the territory to reflect and thus they help us to reduce the obstacles that we find at our work of nature conservation through land stewardship.

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