Presentation in Santiago on 28th

17 November 2012

Image of an oakOn November 28 at 7 p.m., we will be showing in Santiago de Compostela the work done by Fragas do Mandeo. This will take place at the Sargadelos’ Gallery (Nova Street 16), located at the very centre of the city’s beautiful historic quarter, invited by the Galician Society of Natural History.

We will be explaining again concepts such as land trust and stewardship, we will talk about land stewardship, about acquisition of land plots for perpetual nature conservation, of the need to preserve the biodiversity of As Mariñas and the advances of Fragas do Mandeo in its first two years of life, encouraging attendees to support our project through donations or volunteering.

Should you like to spread the word about this event, please download the poster at PDF format (better for printing) or at JPEG format (better to be e-mailed).

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