Meeting at the heritage conference in As Mariñas

8 March 2014

On April 5th the I Heritage Conference will take place in Betanzos, entitled Heritage, landscape, society, culture; it is organized by the Asociation Cultural Libre de Paderne Roxín Roxal and the Rural Development Association Mariñas-Betanzos. The aim of the conference is for the entities that took the step from mere divulgation to direct intervention in the field of cultural heritage to show and exchange specific experiences.

Fragas do Mandeo is invited to talk about our land stewardship experience in the As Mariñas area. Although our actions are intended to preserve landscape and biodiversity, we are not insensitive to the cultural heritage assets (buildings of ethnographic interest, archaeological sites, etc.) that can be found on the land plots we protect.

Our presentation will be accompanied by several professionals and specialists of the Galician universities lecturing on the experiences of Ardóbriga, Carnota, Monte da Estrela and Terra de Trasancos. The next day there will be a trip to see work at the pre-Roman settlement Das Travesas (Carral) and in Da Estrela Hill (Arteixo), guided by archaeologist Antón Malde.

Date: April 5th.
Place: Blue Room, Betanzos Liceo (A Coruña).
Trip: April 6th.

Additional information on the website of the organization or downloading the program.

Image of the heritage conference program

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